An officer of Indian Navy is a member of an armed force who holds a position of authority, able to lead and control team.He is leader who requires the ability to motivate himself, inspire others and make tough decisions efficiently. Officer’s recruitment is advertised through Employment News and all important national and regional newspapers/dailies. Selection for Permanent Commission through NDA / NA cadet entry and CDSE (Graduate) entry is through a written examination conducted by UPSC, followed by an interview by the Service Selection Board (SSB). Applicants are short-listed as per criteria laid down by the Naval Headquarters, (Directorate of Manpower Planning & Recruitment). Selection is through merit alone.
Induction of officers in the various Branches of the Indian Navy is undertaken through one of the following modes/schemes: -
Sr No. | Name of Exam | Notification by UPSC | Written Test by UPSC | SSB by Navy | Joining at Academy |
i) | NDA &NA Exam(I) | Dec/Jan | Apr | Aug-Sep | January next year |
ii) | NDA & NAExam(II) | Jun/Jul | Oct/Nov | Jan-Feb | July next year |
This is the entry at Graduation level. Students appearing for last year or last term of academic year can apply for CDS Exam. This Officers entry also consists of written exam conducted by the UPSC, followed by conduct of the SSB interview, medical test by Indian Navy (Naval candidates only) and final preparation of merit list by UPSC. The appointment letter is issued by respective Authorities. The training of officers selected through this entry commences in the month of Jan/Jul.The advertisement is published in Nov/Jul. We AACHARYA ACADEMY start the preparation from second year of students as per their requirementsand considering the basic qualification of students. Students have choice of Long Term or Short Term courses as per theirrequirements and availability of time for the scheduled Exam.Tentative examination schedule of NDA entry is as follows: -
Sr No. | Name of Exam | Notification by UPSC | Written Test by UPSC | SSB Conducted by Navy | Joining at Academy |
i) | CDS Exam (I) | Nov | Feb/Mar | Sep-Oct | January next year |
ii) | CDS Exam (II) | July | Oct/Nov | Jan-Feb | July next year |
The vacancies for Naval Wing Senior Div. NCC ‘C’ certificate holders with B.E. / B.Tech degree are published along with CDSE advertisement. No written test is conducted for this entry. The eligible candidates are required to forward their application directly to IHQ MoD (N)/ DMPR through DGNCC. The candidates are deputed for SSB interview. After qualifying SSB these candidates undergo medical examination and if found fit, are inducted in the Indian Navy on the basis of All India Merit. The training of officers selected through this entry normally commences in the month of Jan/Jul every year.
12th Pass with 70% in PCM and 50% in English in 10th or 12thstandard,age 17 to 19 ½ years can apply for ‘Indian Navy officers’ entry viz 10+2(B. Tech). W.e.f. Jan 17, JEE (Mains) rank has been made compulsory to apply for 10+2(B. Tech) entry. This entry is opened twice a year for Spring Term & Autumn Term. The advertisement in Employment News/Important Newspapers for inviting applications 6-8 months prior to the commencement of the course. Post receipt of applications, candidates are shortlisted for SSB based on JEE (Main) – All India Rank (AIR) for BE/B.Tech curriculum. Validity of the JEE (Main) rank for applying for the scheme is one year from the date of declaration of the JEE (Main) ranking by CBSE/NTA. On completion of all SSBs, candidates are thereafter appointed in order of merit based on no. of vacancies.
The Direct entries are for both Permanent Commission(PC) and Short Service Commission.Advertisements calling for applications from eligible unmarried candidatesfor such entries are published in the leading newspapers and Employment News based on the availability of vacancies for professional ability posts of Musician and Sports, Law entries.
A Bachelor’s Degree from recognized university (relaxed to Higher Secondary for applicant having exceptional professional ability in music)
An advertisement for recruitment of Matric Recruit Musician (MUS) Entry is published in the Employment News and all leading National/Regional Newspapers in the month of April every year. The application form is published in the important Newspapers which may be used. The form in the prescribed format may be typed on plain paper or downloaded from this website. The application forms will be available on this site from the date of advertisement. Applications are received only through Ordinary Post.
Regular Post Graduate Degree OR BE/B Tech degree in any field. Candidates with diploma in Sports Coaching from National Institute of Sports and MSc in Sports (Coaching) will be given priority for shortlisting.
A candidate should have participated in Sr. level national championships/games in following disciplines Athletics / Cross-Country / Triathlon / Badminton / Tennis / Squash / Football /Handball / Hockey / Basketball / Volleyball / Cricket / Swimming / Diving / Water Polo / Kabaddi / Boxing
Post receipt of applications, preliminary scanning of candidates is conducted for their professional ability in respect of Sports entries. Successful candidates are thereafter detailed for SSB interviews. The SSB qualified candidates undergo medical examination and if found fit, are inducted in the Indian Navy on the basis of All India Merit. The training of these entries normally commences in the months of Jan and July.
An advertisement for recruitment of Matric Recruit Sports () Entry is published in the Employment News and all leading National/Regional Newspapers in the month of April every year. The application form is published in the important Newspapers which may be used. The form in the prescribed format may be typed on plain paper or downloaded from this website. The application forms will be available on this site from the date of advertisement. Applications are received only through Ordinary Post.
Candidates should possess degree in Law qualifying them for enrolment as advocates under the Advocates Act, 1961
An advertisement for recruitment of Matric Recruit Law () Entry is published in the Employment News and all leading National/Regional Newspapers in the month of April every year. The application form is published in the important Newspapers which may be used. The form in the prescribed format may be typed on plain paper or downloaded from this website. The application forms will be available on this site from the date of advertisement. Applications are received only through Ordinary Post
Introduction: Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET) is the officers’ entry under the control of IHQ MoD (Navy)/ DMPR and caters for both Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). The INET will be conducted twice a year.
Selection Procedure: INET (Officer) is a computer based written examination. There will be four sections and candidate is required to pass in all four sections separately with minimum 40% marks.All eligible candidates, whose applications are received by due date; will be called for Indian Navy Entrance Test (INET).Only Electronic mode of communication will be used while contacting the candidates at all stages of selection. IHQ of MoD (N) reserves the right to shortlist candidates strictly on the basis of INET rank cum preference & choice. However, candidates are required to qualify in all sections of INET Exam to be considered for shortlisting to appear in SSB interview. Merit list will be based on combined marks of INET (50% weightage) & SSB (50% weightage).
University Entry Scheme is under the control of IHQ MoD (Navy)/ DMPR and caters for both Permanent Commission (PC) and Short Service Commission (SSC). UES is conducted once a year, coinciding with the induction for Autumn Term at Indian Naval Academy. Various teams are deputed to different technical colleges all across the country for Campus Interview (CI). The Candidates of seventh semester, who have secured a minimum aggregate of 60% up to fifth semester, are graded by the team as per their performance during the CI. The selected candidates are deputed for SSBs. The SSB qualified candidates undergo medical examination and if found fit, are inducted in the Indian Navy on the basis of All India Merit.
Final Year BE/B Tech with 60% marks.
The government has also given approval for Permanent Commission (PC) in Education Branch, Law and Naval Architecture on completion of SSC tenure depending on merit and vacancy.
Sr No. | Entry | Age(yrs)C | Educational Qualification |
1. | Naval Architecture | 19 ½ to 25 | The candidates must possess at least 60% marks in BE/B. Tech Degree in any one of the stream:-Mechanical, Civil, Aeronautical, Metallurgy, Naval Architecture |
2. | Observer | 19-24 | BE/B. Tech degree in any discipline with Physics & Maths in 12th standard |
3. | Education | 21 to 25 | A 2ndclass Master’s degree of a recognized university in Physics or Mathematics. Candidates possessing Master’s degree in Physics should have studied Mathematics at least at the subsidiary level at the degree standard and those possessing master’s degree in Mathematics should have studies Physics at least at the subsidiary level at degree standard. OR A 2ndclass Master’s degree of a recognized university in Chemistry or English. Candidates possessing Master’s degree in chemistry should have studies Physics at least at the subsidiary level at the degree standard and those possessing Master’s degree in English should have studied Physics or Mathematics up to the intermediate or equivalent standard. OR A degree in any of the following discipline: - Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering in Computer Science/Technology OR A second class Master’s degree of a recognized university in computer application or computer science. Candidate should have studied either Physics or Mathematics at their graduation level. OR A post graduate degree of a recognized university in Humanities (Economics/History/ Political Science). |
4 | Logistics /Works | 19 ½ to 25 | For Logistics CadreBE/B Tech in any discipline with 1st class orMBA with 1st class ORB Sc/B Com/B Sc(IT) with 1st class and PG Diploma in Finance/Logistics/Supply Chain Mgt/Material MgtOR MCA/M Sc(IT) with 1st class For Works BE/B Tech(Civil)/B Architect For CateringMSc(HM)/MBA(HM)/BSc or BA 1st class and PG Diploma in HM |
5 | Law | 22 to 27 | Candidates should possess degree in Law qualifying them for enrolment as advocates under the Advocates Act, 1961 |
6 | ATC | 19 ½ -25 | BE/B.Tech degree in any discipline with Physics& Maths in 12th standard. |
7 | Pilot GeneralCPL Holders | 19-24 19-25 | BE/B.Tech degree in any discipline with Physics & Maths in 12th standard.A candidate holding valid and current CPL issued by DGCA (India) |
8 | Naval Armament Inspectorate (NAI | 19 ½ to 25 | BE/B Tech in one of the following stream: - Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, Production, Instrumentation, IT, Chemical, Metallurgy, Aerospace Engineering |
Education officers provide support towards education, training and professional development of Naval personnel. One of the main peace-time activities of the Indian Navy is preparing for future missions, which involves continuous training of its personnel. A key determinant for the outcome of any mission is the training imparted to officers and men. Accordingly, Education Officers play a major role in training officers and sailors of the Indian Navy. Education Officers are responsible for scientific and methodical instructions including theoretical aspects of technical subjects of all Branches of the Navy and for the general educational advancement of its personnel.Education Officers impart instructions in various Indian Naval Training Establishments. Education Officers also providemeteorology/oceanography services support for maritime operations.Education Officers also undergo a range of specialisation courses, including Anti-Submarine Warfare, Naval Communication, Gunnery, Hydrography, Navigation & Direction, Meteorology and oceanography.
A second class Master’s degree of a recognized university in Physics or Mathematics. Candidates
possessing Master’s degree in physics should have studies Mathematics at least at the subsidiary
level at the degree standard and those possessing master’s degree in Mathematics should have
studied Physics at least at the subsidiary level at degree standard. OR
A second class Master’s degree of a recognized university in Chemistry or English. Candidates
possessing Master’s degree in Chemistry should have studied Physics at least at the subsidiary
level at the degree standard and those possessing Master’s degree in English should have studied
Physics or Mathematics up to the intermediate or equivalent standard. OR
A degree in any of the above disciplines: - Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering,
Engineering in Computer Science/Technology. OR
A second class Master’s degree of a recognized university in computer application or computer
science. Candidate should have studied either Physics or Mathematics at their graduation level.
A post graduate degree of a recognized university in Humanities(Economics/History/ Political